1994 Beam Pulse Record Map

The last longword of the Beam Pulse Record, the Noise Data, was only written out beginning with run 29329. The SUNPQ94 unpacking routine fills in zeros for this data for runs before 29329.
        |  B E A M     P U L S E     D A T A    R E C O R D  |

   | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |                 |                 |
   | F E D C B A 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | F E D C B A 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |

   |In| H V |  Luminosity Monitor      | S L D   B e a m | S L C   B e a m |
 0 | S|S N C|. . . . . . . . . . . . . | . . . D W C H E | W K B P P P M M |
   | S E E D|. . C L I V E . . . . . . | . . . c . . . . | S V e h L L L L |
   | V|D D C|. . . . . . . . . . . . . | . . . B O O O O | c M a a S S S S |
   | .|C C .|. . . . F I E L D ' s . . | . . . s v v v v | a . m s R L R L |
   | .|. . .|. . . . . . . . . . (12). | . . . y r r r r | n . . e . . . . |

   |  Beamstralung   |        T  O  R  I  O  D  S                          |
   |                 +-----------------------+-----------------------------+
 1 |  South (8)      |   Positron  (12)      |      Electron (12)          |

   |        W I D T H       ===    W I S R D  ===      E N E R G Y         |
 2 |   Positron  (8) |   Electron (8)  |  Positron (8)   |    Electron (8) |

   |        S L O T             S T A T E           V E C T O R            |
 3 |   H a d r o n   |   B h a b h a   |   E n e r g y   |  R a n d o m    |
 4 |     M u o n     |     W a b       |     R s v d     |    T r a c k    |

   |        N O I S E    B Y T E S                                         |
 5 |     r s v d     |     P o l       |      K a l      |    C D C        |


#define BPR$K_POL_ZERO  0x0       /* Zero  polarization                */
#define BPR$K_POL_RIGHT 0x1       /* Right polarization                */
#define BPR$K_POL_LEFT  0x2       /* Left  polarization                */
#define BPR$K_POL_ERROR 0x3       /* Error ......                      */

/* -------------------- SLC BEAM INFORMATION BYTE --------------------- */
#define BPR$V_SLC         0x00
#define BPR$V_SLC_POL     0x00     /* Polarization bits                 */

/* .................... for Source  Pockels Cell (PMON) ............... */
#define BPR$V_SLC_PLS     0x00     /* Source  Pockels Cell field        */
#define BPR$V_SLC_PLSR    0x00     /* Source  Pockels Cell set to Right */
#define BPR$V_SLC_PLSL    0x01     /* Source  Pockels Cell set to Left  */

/* .................... for Source  Pockels Cell (MACH) ............... */
#define BPR$V_SLC_MLS     0x02     /* Source  Pockels Cell field        */
#define BPR$V_SLC_MLSR    0x02     /* Source  Pockels Cell set to Right */
#define BPR$V_SLC_MLSL    0x03     /* Source  Pockels Cell set to Left  */

/* .................... for SLC PDU,KVM bits     ...................... */
#define BPR$V_SLC_PBKS    0x04     /* SLC Phase/BeamOnNext/KVM/Scan     */
#define BPR$V_SLC_PHASE   0x04     /* Beam phase (which 60 Hz cycle)    */
#define BPR$V_SLC_BEAM    0x05     /* SLC PDU intent to deliver beam    */
#define BPR$V_SLC_KVM     0x06     /* Klystron Veto Module (bits or'd)  */
#define BPR$V_SLC_SCAN    0x07     /* Beam-Beam deflection scan going on*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -------------------- SLD BEAM INFORMATION BYTE --------------------- */
#define BPR$V_SLD         0x08
#define BPR$V_SLD_EOVR    0x08     /* KAL Energy Overflow               */
#define BPR$V_SLD_HOVR    0x09     /* KAL Hit    Overflow               */
#define BPR$V_SLD_COVR    0x0A     /* DC  Cell   Overflow               */
#define BPR$V_SLD_WOVR    0x0B     /* DC  Wire   Overflow               */
#define BPR$V_SLD_DCBSY   0x0C     /* DC  tracking trigger unavailable  */
#define BPR$V_SLD___0D    0x0D     /* Reserved to future use            */
#define BPR$V_SLD___0E    0x0E     /* Reserved to future use            */
#define BPR$V_SLD___0F    0x0F     /* Reserved to future use            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* --------------------    LUMINOSITY MONITOR    ---------------------- */
#define BPR$V_LUMINOSITY   0x10     /* Clive Field Luminosity Monitor   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -------------------- HIGH VOLTAGE/INVALIDATION --------------------- */
/* ...................... for drift chamber       ..................... */
#define BPR$V_HIV_DC      0x1C     /* High Voltage Drift Chamber        */
#define BPR$V_HIV_CDC     0x1C     /* High Voltage Drift Chamber Barrel */
#define BPR$V_HIV_NEDC    0x1D     /* High Voltage Drift Chamber NEndCap*/
#define BPR$V_HIV_SEDC    0x1E     /* High Voltage Drift Chamber SEndCap*/

/* ...................... invalid information bits..................... */
#define BPR$V_INV_SSV     0x1F     /* Invalid information Slot State Vec*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Sizes of non 1 length fields */
#define BPR$S_SLC         0x08
#define BPR$S_SLC_VALID   0x08
#define BPR$S_SLC_POL     0x04
#define BPR$S_SLC_PLS     0x02
#define BPR$S_SLC_MLS     0x02
#define BPR$S_SLC_PBKS    0x03

#define BPR$S_SLD         0x08
#define BPR$S_SLD_VALID   0x05

#define BPR$S_LUMINOSITY  0x0C

#define BPR$S_HIV         0x03
#define BPR$S_HIV_HV      0x03
#define BPR$S_HIV_DC      0x03

/* -------------------- SLC BEAM INFORMATION BYTE --------------------- */
#define BPR$M_SLC        (0xff << BPR$V_SLC)
#define BPR$M_SLC_VALID  (0xff << BPR$V_SLC)
#define BPR$M_SLC_POL    (0x0f << BPR$V_SLC_POL)

/* .................... for Compton Pockels Cell (MACH)................ */
#define BPR$M_SLC_MLS    (0x03 << BPR$V_SLC_MLS)
#define BPR$M_SLC_MLSR   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLC_MLSR)
#define BPR$M_SLC_MLSL   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLC_MLSL)

/* .................... for Source  Pockels Cell (PMON)................ */
#define BPR$M_SLC_PLS    (0x03 << BPR$V_SLC_PLS)
#define BPR$M_SLC_PLSR   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLC_PLSR)
#define BPR$M_SLC_PLSL   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLC_PLSL)

/* .................... for SLC PDU,KVM,SCAN bits  .................... */
#define BPR$M_SLC_PBKS   (0x07 << BPR$V_SLC_PBKS)
#define BPR$M_SLC_PHASE  (0x01 << BPR$V_SLC_PHASE)
#define BPR$M_SLC_BEAM   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLC_BEAM)
#define BPR$M_SLC_KVM    (0x01 << BPR$V_SLC_KVM)
#define BPR$M_SLC_SCAN   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLC_SCAN)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -------------------- SLD BEAM INFORMATION BYTE --------------------- */
#define BPR$M_SLD        (0xff << BPR$V_SLD)
#define BPR$M_SLD_VALID  (0x0f << BPR$V_SLD)
#define BPR$M_SLD_EOVR   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLD_EOVR)
#define BPR$M_SLD_HOVR   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLD_HOVR)
#define BPR$M_SLD_COVR   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLD_COVR)
#define BPR$M_SLD_WOVR   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLD_WOVR)
#define BPR$M_SLD_DCBSY  (0x01 << BPR$V_SLD_DCBSY)
#define BPR$M_SLD_0x0D   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLD_0x0D)
#define BPR$M_SLD_0x0E   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLD_0x0E)
#define BPR$M_SLD_0x0F   (0x01 << BPR$V_SLD_x00F)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -----------------------    Clive-meter    -------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -------------------- HIGH VOLTAGE/INVALIDATION --------------------- */
/* ...................... for drift chamber       ..................... */
#define BPR$M_HIV_DC     (0x07 << BPR$V_HIV_DC)
#define BPR$M_HIV_CDC    (0x01 << BPR$V_HIV_CDC)
#define BPR$M_HIV_NEDC   (0x01 << BPR$V_HIV_NEDC)
#define BPR$M_HIV_SEDC   (0x01 << BPR$V_HIV_SEDC)

/* ...................... invalid information bits..................... */
#define BPR$M_INV_SSV    (0x01 << BPR$V_INV_SSV)

/* ----------------------  TOROID / BEAMSTRAHLUNG ----------------------*/
#define BPR$V_TOROID_EM  0x00
#define BPR$V_TOROID_EP  0x0C
#define BPR$V_BSM_SOUTH  0x18

#define BPR$S_TOROID_EM  0x0C
#define BPR$S_TOROID_EP  0x0C
#define BPR$S_BSM_SOUTH  0x08

#define BPR$M_TOROID_EM  (0xfff << BPR$V_TOROID_EM)
#define BPR$M_TOROID_EP  (0xfff << BPR$V_TOROID_EP)
#define BPR$M_BSM_SOUTH  (0xff  << BPR$V_BSM_SOUTH)

/* ---------------------  WISRD ENERGY & WIDTH  ----------------------- */
#define BPR$V_ENERGY_EM  0x00
#define BPR$V_ENERGY_EP  0x08
#define BPR$V_WIDTH_EM   0x10
#define BPR$V_WIDTH_EP   0x18

#define BPR$S_ENERGY_EM  0x08
#define BPR$S_ENERGY_EP  0x08
#define BPR$S_WIDTH_EM   0x08
#define BPR$S_WIDTH_EP   0x08

#define BPR$M_ENERGY_EM  (0xff << BPR$V_ENERGY_EM)
#define BPR$M_ENERGY_EP  (0xff << BPR$V_ENERGY_EP)
#define BPR$M_WIDTH_EM   (0xff << BPR$V_WIDTH_EM)
#define BPR$M_WIDTH_EP   (0xff << BPR$V_WIDTH_EP)

 | Bit definitions for ssb bytes.  Only EVAL is a 2-bit field.
 | Others are a single bit.
#define   BPR$V_SSB_EVAL    0
#define   BPR$V_SSB_DSRM    2
#define   BPR$V_SSB_DSBLD   3
#define   BPR$V_SSB_BUSY    4
#define   BPR$V_SSB_VETO    5
#define   BPR$V_SSB_INHB    6

#define   BPR$M_SSB_EVAL    (3 << BPR$V_SSB_EVAL)
#define   BPR$M_SSB_DSRM    (1 << BPR$V_SSB_DSRM)
#define   BPR$M_SSB_DSBLD   (1 << BPR$V_SSB_DSBLD)
#define   BPR$M_SSB_BUSY    (1 << BPR$V_SSB_BUSY)
#define   BPR$M_SSB_VETO    (1 << BPR$V_SSB_VETO)
#define   BPR$M_SSB_INHB    (1 << BPR$V_SSB_INHB)

#define   BPR$K_SSB_INVLD   0xff

The above text was taken from the online include file

Joseph Perl
29 January 1996