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Using the Advanced Interface to Plots and Tables

You can get the most flexible definition of plots and tables through the Advanced Interface to Plots and Tables.

It takes more keystrokes to define a plot from this interface than from the Simple Interface, but many more options are available including:

Step 1: Select data names

Initially, what you see is:
Select one or more items from the left, then hit one of the add buttons.

You may select one or more data names at a time. Most browsers handle multiple selection by having you first click on one item, then click on another one while holding the shift or control keys.

Once you have added at least one item, a new scrolled list appears at the right showing what you have added and a remove button appears at the bottom of the button bar.

You can also simply undo your work step by step by using your browser's "back" button.

Step 2: Supply at least one range

If you select an item from the left and then select "add as range", you are given a range selection form such as
Report Date Between and Last Equal to Not Equal to Includes

Select the button next to either "Between", "Last", "Equal to" or "Includes" then fill in the appropriate values and hit "enter as range."

"Includes" searches for all rows where the given element contains the given string. For example, to find CATER Reports whose description includes the word magnet, such as "The magnet failed due to a water leak." set up the range as:

Problem Description Between and Last Equal to Not Equal to Includes

Step 3: Optionally, select grouping

You have the option of selecting "add as group by" rather than "add as new column." The data returned will then be grouped by the specified element.

All rows that have the same value of the "group by" element will be combined.

If you group by a data name that is a date or time, you will be asked how you would like the data binned.

Step 4: Submit the request to make a Plot or Table

Once you have specified at least one range and have specified at least one data name to plot or tabulate, three new buttons appear at the bottom of the button bar. Check that you have chosen the appropriate option for how to handle invalid data and then submit the request.
Joseph Perl and The Run Information Group
Last Updated: 10 July 1997