Workbook for SLD Offline Users - Processors Ex. 1: Running RECSLD

In this example we will learn how to run a reconstruction job. We will take some Raw Data reconstruct it and write the output to tape in Mini-DST format. If you do not already have a tape of your own you will need to get one. For instructions on how to do this please consult The Tape System: GETFREE.

As previously stated all processors have control banks that let users set the parameters for how they will run. The convention for naming the control banks is the processor name amended with a p. So in our case we will be using the processor RECSLD so the control bank we want is RECSLDP.TEMPLATE.

To do the following example it is recommended that you use two x windows. In the first get a copy of the template RECSLDP. you can do this by typing at the VMS prompt:


You should notice there are two main sections one that looks like:

!     Subsystem flags                                                  -

   logical   VTX    / .TRUE./ "do VTX"
   logical   DC     / .TRUE./ "do DC"
   logical   CRID   / .TRUE./ "do CRID"
   logical   KAL    / .TRUE./ "do KAL"
   logical   WIC    / .TRUE./ "do WIC"

These flags control what subsystems should be reconstructed. The next section that looks like:
!     Stage     flags                                                  -

   logical   PREP   / .TRUE./ "do pre-processing"
   logical   PATREC / .TRUE./ "do pattern recognitions"
   logical   FIT    / .TRUE./ "do fits"
   logical   EXTRAP / .TRUE./ "extrapolate DC tracks"
   logical   ASSOC  / .TRUE./ "associate to other subsystems"
   logical   FILL   / .TRUE./ "do PHFILL"
   logical   PID    / .TRUE./ "do PID from DST"
   logical   LINK   / .TRUE./ "do PH <--> MCPART linkage"
   logical   MATCH  / .TRUE./ "match extrapolated DC tracks to WIC tracks"
   logical   BEAM   / .TRUE./ "fill PHBEAM"
   logical   EVCL   / .TRUE./ "fill PHEVCL"
Contains the flags that control how the reconstruction is done.

Normally one would not reconstruct events interactively since it requires a fair amount of CPU. However in this case since we will only reconstruct a couple of events so it is ok.

In your other x window get an Ida session running. To do this issue the command IDA at the VMS prompt.

First we must declare and initialize the processors. Since we will be reconstructing Raw Data we must first call KALKLU then RECSLD.
A couple of screens worth of messages should scroll by as the processor loads. Don't worry it takes a few minutes.

Now we want to set what system will be reconstructed. For the purpose of this exercise let us turn the Crid and End Cap Drift chamber off. Also it is pointless to link the Monte Carlo particles to the PHPART bank since we will be using real data. To turn the crid reconstruction and MCPART linkage off all we have to do is:

Turning off the Endcap Drift Chamber takes a little detective work since RECSLDP only has a flag for DC and we want to keep the barrel on. Remember RECSLD is a composition of many different processors, so we must find the appropriate one and poke its control bank to turn the endcap DC off. The easiest way to do this in your x window not running ida get a copy of RECSLD.PREPMORT. So from the VMS command line type.
You should see a section in the header that looks like this.
  Defined stages:                                                     "
"                                                                      "
"         Stage          Driver             Description                "
"        -----------     ------     --------------------------------   "
"                                                                      "
"        Prepare         RPREP      Prepare raw data for recon start   "
"                                                                      "
"        DC              TRKREC     Tracking                           "
"                                                                      "
"        Extrapolate     REXTRA     Extrapolate tracking info thru SLD "
"                                                                      "
"        CRID            CRDREC     CRID processing                    "
"                                                                      "
"        KAL             KALREC     KAL processing                     "
"                                                                      "
"        WIC             WUGETXY    WIC processing                     "
"                                                                      "
"        MATCH           WUFIND     Muon Identification                "
"                                                                      "
"        FILL            PHFILL     fill PHPART etc                    "
"                                                                      "
"        PID             PHPID      do particle ID from DST            "
"                                                                      "
"        LINK            PHMCLK     link PHPART <--> MCPART            "
"                                                                      "
"        BEAM            RECBM      fill PHBEAM                        "
"                                                                      "
From this we see the driver for the DC reconstruction is TRKREC. So we want to look at the template TRKRECP.TEMPLATE . To do this at the VMS command line issue:
Or from the command line of the editor (hit the Do key to get there)
You should see some lines that say:
  LOGICAL   DBREC   /.TRUE./   "Do DB reconstruction"
  LOGICAL   DEREC   /.TRUE./   "Do DE reconstruction"
  LOGICAL   TRKBLD  /.TRUE./   "Do track association"
  LOGICAL   VXRECON /.TRUE./   "Do VTX detector reconstruction"
So now we see the variable we want to poke is DEREC. So from the IDA command line type.
Now we must create a Seglist for our Mini-DST output file.
Now our EVANAL is quite simple all we have to do is call our processors and give the write command.
       Ida> DEF EVANAL
       Ida>    CALL KALKLU(DOIT)
       Ida>    CALL RECSLD(DOIT)
       Ida> ENDDEF 
Now before we can give a GO we must specify the dataset to be reconstructed and the tape to write the output to. Assuming you did the exercise An Ida Job to Write to Your Own Tape the first file on your tape is used. So we will write to the second file your_tape_id.2 .
       Ida> OPENTAPE WRITE your_tape_id.2/MDSTREC
       Ida> GO 2
       Ida> INDEX
       Ida> CLOSE INFILE
We see when we type index that we now have reconstructed DST/MDST banks.


Since you will most likely need to run some reconstruction in the future, It is useful to have an example to look at. Since this exercise was filled with a lot of explanation, here is a repeat of the actual ida involved. Remember for the calls to KALKLU are only to be used for reconstructing Raw Data, they should be excluded for Monte Carlo reconstruction.

        PROCESSOR KALKLU      !declare and initialize processors.
        PROCESSOR RECSLD      !for Raw Data KALKLU must be called first.

        POKE RECSLDP.CRID F   !turn crid reconstruction off
        POKE RECSLDP.LINK F   !turn mcpart link off

        POKE TRKRECP.DEREC F  !turn end cap drift reconstruction off

        SEGLIST CREATE OUTLIST MINIDST  !set up context for writing

        DEF EVANAL
           CALL KALKLU(DOIT)     !digitize the data
           CALL RECSLD(DOIT)     !reconstruct the event
           WRITE USING OUTLIST   !write out the minidst of the rec event

        OPENTAPE READ NURAW94 STAGE WAIT        !open input raw data file
        OPENTAPE WRITE your_tape_id.2/MDSREC    !open output file

        GO 2                     !run for 2 events
        CLOSE INFILE             !close input file
        CLOSE OUTFILE            !dismount tape

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Eric Weiss
31 May 1995