X Terminal Graphics Tools for SLD

This document summarizes how one can get Handypak and Event Display graphics on SLD X Terminals.

Running from an XTERM session

The first method of getting graphics on SLD X Terminals involves running from an XTERM session. XTERM sessions can be distinguished from DECTERM or other kinds of terminal sessions by the presence of the word "XTERM" in the title bar at the top of the window.

XTERM provides a Tektronix 4013 style graphics session, allowing a text window and a single black and white graphics window. It has previously been available only from SLAC VAX hosts, but is now available from all SLD VMS hosts, VAX or Alpha at SLAC or elsewhere.

To create an XTERM session, type @PRODUTIL XTERM

You may wish to add this item to your Session Manager's Applications Menu. Additional choices for XTERM screen size can be obtained by specifying NARROW, WIDE or DBLWIDE, for example, @PRODUTIL XTERM NARROW

Initially, you will see only a text window. Later, when you are in IDA and specify XTERM as the output device, a graphics window will appear. To output a histogram, you would specify something like HOUT 1 XTERM

To output an Event Display, you would use DSP SELECT XTERM

Event Displays users should note that DSP SELECT XTERM allows use of the interactive event display system. Use DSP INT and then operate the pick by pointing the cursor at the desired location, hitting the left mouse button AND THEN HITTING RETURN.

Using the SDDXWDO Device Type

The second method of getting graphics on SLD X Terminals works from any kind of terminal session (you can use an XTERM session, a DECTERM session or any other type). It lets you have a text window plus one or more color graphics windows.

When you are in IDA, specify SDDXWDO as the output device. To output a histogram, you would specify something like HOUT 1 SDDXWDO To output an Event Display, you would use DSP SELECT SDDXWDO

Event Display users should note that this device type allows multiple display windows for a given event. See the DSP help system under Commands...Window for details on using multiple windows.

SDDXWDO does not, however, allow use of the interactive event display system. That is, you can only use DSP DRAW, not DSP INT. For interactive work, use an XTERM session as described above or use interactive data analysis shell program, MIDAS.

Joseph Perl
9 June 1995