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The SLD Event Display Additions Manual


This document describes how to add new features to the SLD Event Display System, DSP.
It covers:

Other Documentation

Three other documents exist for the SLD Event Display System.

Overall Concept of Event Display Modularity

The SLD event display system is "Data Driven." This means that when you want to add new features, you don't need to rewrite any of the existing code. You simply write constant files that contain special kinds of banks that define the new features. In some cases, you also write new prepmort files (and see that these new files are loaded). Then, during the IDA job, you point the event display system to your new constant files (by issuing the DSP USERDATA command) and the display automatically incorporates your new features.

Certain sets of additional features already exist. When you define your new features, you may want to study examples in these constant files.

If you want, you can combine the different kinds of banks you write (to add objects, relations, menu buttons and valuators) into a single constant file that you bring in with a single DSP USERDATA command.

You can have as many DSP USERDATA statements as you like in a single job. Each brings in more additional display features.

The DSP USERDATA command can be issued at any time in the display session, however the code will start up faster if these commands are grouped together before any other DSP commands.

Joseph Perl
25 September 1997