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The DUCS Archive System

For the Archivist

Implementation Details: ducs_arch full

When the archivist issues the command to make a full copy of the current DUCS, the copy work occurs locally at each DUCS host, the SLAC copies are made from the current SLAC DUCS, the VU copies are made from the current VU DUCS. This brings in the risk that if the current DUCS is different at the various DUCS hosts, the archive copies will come out different. One way around this problem would be to instead copy the code to all hosts from the current SLAC DUCS, however the size of the full DUCS, 0.5 GB, makes this impractical. Another way around this problem would be to ship tapes to all hosts from the current SLAC DUCS, however this is a cumbersome procedure. Instead, the archive system relies on a series of checks to insure that the current DUCS at the non-SLAC hosts match the current DUCS at SLAC.

The implementation of a full DUCS copy is as follows:

Joseph Perl
24 September 1997