IDA3 Conversion for SLD: Histogram and Fitting Wish Lists
Perl surveyed various members of the SLD Collaboration in 1993 to find out
what people wanted from Histogram and Fitting packages.
The wish lists from Mike Strauss and Su Dong seem worth repeating here.
Some of the items may have been solved since then, but the lists still
give a general sense of what is desired.
Mike Strauss's Wish List
- Ability to read in histograms with the same id as different histograms
DISPLAY5 does this by adding 100 to the plot ids.
With numbered histograms, this is easy, just add some number.
With named histograms the best solution is not clear.
- Dynamically change output symbol on a histogram by histogram basis.
e.g. Make bin output either points, lines, dotted lines, etc. with or
without error bars, etc. (overlay two histograms, one with data points
and errors, one with Monte Carlo histogram lines).
- Overlay two or more histograms
- Change histogram axis scales
- Output top drawer files with fits
- Scale histogram contents
- Multiply, divide, add, subtract histograms handling ERRORS CORRECTLY
- Remove fitted function from histogram
- Fit two or more gaussians at the same time
- Fit standard functions (exponentials, polynomials, etc)
- Fit user supplied function.
Su Dong's Wish List
- Ability to Read in histograms with the same id as different histograms
- Copy a histogram to a new ID carrying all data correctly including
overflow bins and statistics
- Control drawing options (plotting symbols, colors, line styles)
separately for each histogram in an overlay.
Allow user to specify a default system for handling these options
in overlays, e.g., always draw first hist solid, second hist dotted.
- Allow easier control of normalization. Allow one option to be by
number of entries, but another option to be by some given scale
- Allow user to set scale manually (this is supposed to be supported
but neither Richard nor Su Dong have been easily able to do it.
- Deal with problem that output files when one has overlays are so
large that they take forever to print. Perhaps at least come
up with some hints as to what sort of plots work faster.
- Allow additional presentation quality plotting symbols,
filled circle and filled square.
- Allow filled histograms.
- Allow placement of arbitrary text at arbitrary locations on the plot.
Joseph Perl
16 March 1995