Pass1 & Pass2 Processing of Data


Good events are culled from the event stream amd reconstructed in the Pass1 and Pass2 processes. Pass1 eliminates about 97% (in '93) of the triggers and presents them to Pass2 for further classification and reconstruction. All physics events passing Pass1 are reconstructed in Pass2.

As of this writing, both passes through the data are performed on SLACVM, controlled by the SLDPM (SLD Processing Manager) service machine, owned by Len Moss. Catalogues of the output tapes from each pass are kept in Oracle and in DATACATs in DUCSDATACAT.


This stage is intended to whittle the raw data down to a manageable size. It is the intention that the data that fails the filter need NEVER be looked at again. It also separates the data off into several streams for the subgroups that need them:

Physics and physics calibration events are streamed off into: The calibration sources are stripped off to separate files; the physics events go into a single file. The filter results are written into SFCLASS.EVTCLASS and added to the RAWDATA.

The RAWDATA context is written out to the physics files. Output tapes from this stream can be found in DUCSDATACAT:HAD.DATACAT.

Z decays

Z decays are defined as passing Tracking cuts are made using pattern recognition (DCPTRK) tracks which have been found via a fast-PATREC option. DBQPATP.MinHit is set to 4.

Good tracks satisfy:

LUM Bhabhas

The LUM bhabha filter accepts 'gross' and 'precise' events via routine MBHFLT.

Track triggers

These track triggers are quite useful for DC calibration. Accepted triggers have at least two good tracks, one of which must have p > 0.75 GeV. As for Z decays, these are DCPTRK tracks.

Source Files

SLDPM massages the file FILTER FRAMWORK on SLDPM 191 into a SANECTRL file. PASS1 IDA applies the physics filters. On VM, the loader information for the PASS1 is contained in FILTER SANEINCL.

IDA files

(*): all the user needs to run PASS1 on his/her own.

All the IDA files are available in DUCSSLD.


This stage reconstructs all the physics events to pass the FILTER and applies a PASS2 filter to tag WABs, hadrons, taus and mu-pairs.

The DST and PREPRO contexts as well as a smattering of RECON families (KUPHIT, KUPCLUS, KUPCHIT and DCFTHC) are written out.

Pass2 filters are applied to all the physics classes from PASS1.

The filter results are written into PHEVCL.EVTCLASS and added to the DST.

Good fitted tracks satisfy:

In '93, CRID and EDC reconstruction were turned off. The fitter was set to determine v_d and t0 from the tracks.


The PASS2 cuts as described in SLD Physics Note 14 are applied to the events that passed the PASS1.

The PASS2 for KZ0F applies the energy imbalance cut, but leaves the sphericity cut disabled. Energy trigger 'monojet' backgrounds are vetoed using KMONOJT (looking for front/back imbalance).

Each PASS2 class requires that the respective PASS1 class has been passed.


WABs are tagged via KWABID, looking at the highest energy towers.


PASS2 for taus requires that the sum of track momenta and good cluster energy exceed 10 GeV. This is really a tracking-hadron filter, not the standard tau Pass2 filter.

Mu pairs

PASS2 for mu pairs requires two CDC tracks that come within 0.2 cm of the IP in x-y.

Source Files

SLDPM massages the file RECON FRAMWORK on SLDPM 191 into a SANECTRL file. PASS2 IDA applies the physics filters. On VM, the loader information for the PASS2 is contained in RECON SANEINCL.

IDA files

(*): all the user needs to run PASS2 on his/her own.

All the IDA files are available in DUCSSLD.


Results from the two passes are stored in the Pass1run, PAss2run and OFFLDAY Oracle tables.

Further statistics and diagnostic histograms are stored in STATS and HCOM files on the ZZERO 211 disk on SLACVM.

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