Workbook for SLD Offline Users - Information Resources


This section of the Workbook teaches you about the information resources available to members of the SLD collaboration. From the starting points provided here, you should be able to obtain information on all aspects of SLD as well as general information about SLAC, other high engery physics institutions and experiments and more.

The World Wide Web

In the previous section of the Workbook, you took a quick look at the World Wide Web. You will now explore the "Web" in more detail. Experienced Netters can congratulate themselves for already knowing this stuff and can take the next link outta here.

The Web is a world wide network of computer sites which provide information (in text, graphics, and audio) about a dizzying array of subjects. If you know how to get around on The Web, you can quickly get access to information that might take days, weeks, or months to find out via other methods.

For more detailed help on using the Web, pull down the Help menu from the top of the Web window.

Accessing the World Wide Web

Congratulations. If you are reading the SLD Offline Users Workbook, you are already on the Web. All but the first section of the Workbook exists only on the Web. Like most Web documents, it is regularly updated, and when you connect to the Web, you automatically get the newest version.

Moving Through the World Wide Web

Navigation on the Web is carried out via "pointers" to files which are readable via the Web. You can access these pointers in several ways:

Quitting the World Wide Web

To end a Web session, go to the File menu and select Quit or Close Window. Close Window has the same effect as Quit if you are in the only window of your Web session. If your Web browser is one that "clones" extra windows as you go along, Close Window will just close the one particular window.

There is no need to return to the page where you started before you Quit the Web. Each new session will start you off at the same home page.


Newsgroups are a convenient way for people with common interests to talk to each other via the Internet. In practice, they work sort of like a virtual "conference call": you can speak up or just listen, but everyone has access to what everyone else says. Newsgroups are another good, fast source of information since you can send questions to "experts" who may be listening in. You can keep up with the latest news on topics such as physics research, accelerator technologies or hamster racing.

Accessing Newsgroups

To get to newsgroups you need to run a program called a "newsreader." Which newsreader program you run depends on which host your are running on. Here we assume you are using the rn newsreader at SLAC. If you are not on a SLAC host, ask your colleages or system manager which newsreader to use. The reader will bring up a window which lists all the newsgroups to which you haven't had a chance to "subscribe.". This list is automatically updated every time you invoke the newsreader. New groups are added almost every day. If this is your first time reading newsgroups on this particular computer system, this list of new newsgroups will be very long; there are literally hundreds of them. Don't worry; thanks to automatic updating, the next time you read news on this node this list will be much shorter.

Moving Through Newsgroups

To choose a group to subscribe to, scroll through the list until you find one that interests you, then hit one of the Add buttons (either Add First or Add Last). This adds the chosen newsgroup to your subscription list. After that, the newsreader will inform you whenever you have unread messages in that newsgroup.

Some newsgroups which might be of interest are:


Selecting newsgroups happens in the "newsgroup mode" of rn. To actually read the news, you have to leave this mode by hitting the Quit button. You will then be put into "read" mode.

When you enter read mode, the newsreader will list the newsgroups you are subscribed to which have unread messages in them. You can select which ones to read by moving the cursor onto the name and hitting the Next button. A listing of the news items in this group will then appear. Again you choose which ones you want to read using the cursor and hitting Next. The text of the news item will appear in the bottom half of the window along with a header which identfies where it came from.

There are several button options whose action changes depending on what mode you are in. Most are self-explanatory. A short summary of their action is given in the message bar when the mouse pointer is over them. For example, you should be able to find a button that will put you back in newsgroup mode from the reader, one that will save the current item to a file, one that will allow you to post (add) an item to the newsgroup you are in, and one that will allow you to quit the newsreader. You should be able to handle the rest from here; if not try the Help menu.

Quitting Newsgroups

Find the Quit button.

Who's Who in SLD

General Organization

SLD is led by its two co-spokespersons: Marty Breidenbach and Charlie Baltay. The spokesmen solicit advice from their Advisory Group, composed of about 20 senior collaborators. SLD's Administrative Assistant, Barbara Barrera, makes it all happen.

Day-to-day operation of the experiment is in the hands of the SLD Commissioner, a rotating post turned over approximately yearly. The current Commish is Terry Schalk, whose term began in August 1994. The Commissioner is assisted by a group of Run Coordinators who oversee experimental datataking on a weekly rotating basis. The Commissioner also serves as Shifts Czar and is responsible for the allocation of datataking shifts to all collaborators.

The full SLD Collaboration has formal meetings twice yearly (in spring and fall) and less formal groups of meetings known as "SLD Weeks" monthly on the lovely SLAC campus. Detector subsystem status is reviewed on a rotating schedule during SLD Weeks, along with regular reports on the progress of datataking and physics analysis.

Physics Analysis

SLD Physics analysis is coordinated by three "working groups:" A coordinating committee for the Physics Working Groups includes the spokespersons, the working group leaders and Richard Dubois, Tony Johnson and Uriel Nauenberg. This group allocates talks and seminars, decides how to divide up computer resources and generall oversees physics analysis. More information on the physics goals of SLD and its working groups can be found in the next section of this Workbook.

The Other 300 People Who Make It All Work

Is there anyone else worth knowing in SLD? Of course there is. To find out about them, look in the list of SLD Collaborators accessible from SLD's main Web page. To find out about other people at SLAC, try the SPIRES Database, accessible from SLAC's main Web page.


You now know three ways other than this Workbook to get more information about SLD. You can use the World Wide Web, you can read Newsgroups and you can talk to the various members of the SLD collaboration.

The next section of the Workbook will discuss the Physics and design behind the SLD and SLC. After that, the Workbook will go on to teach you what you need to know to become the next SLD offline analysis Really Important Person.

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Glen Crawford
8 January 1995